Monday, May 16, 2016

For when I am in the mood for Starbucks but there is none to be found...

Sometimes you just gotta have a super sugary, hot drink. And although there is coffee in China, I like to try more local specialties when I can. This year, to carry me through the winter and into the spring, my go-to beverage was hot milk tea (奶茶). You can buy it at any supermarket, and it comes in many, many flavors. I'm a sucker for the classic so I love Original Milk Tea, but you can choose from flavors like coffee, blueberry, mango, and strawberry.
The cups come with the ingredients packaged inside. When you open up the lid, you will see a straw, a package of the milk tea powder, a packet of sugar, and a cup of little jellies which make a great textural addition to the mix. Simply dump them in and add hot water, mix it up and enjoy!

Living in Tianjin, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Beijing on the high speed railway (which practically flies down the tracks at upwards of 300 km/hr). You can use the hot water machine right on the train and the 30 minute ride is the perfect length of time for the hot water to cool enough to drink. These milk teas have been the perfect treat to sip while watching 京津冀 blur by me!

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