Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Gap

A theatre term I recently learned about in class, "the gap" is the moment in a scene when you've reached a conflict and have to find a way around it. It is especially important in improvisation since you have to think of a creative and quick way to fill the gap seamlessly. Unfortunately for me, this is not one of my strong points.

Let me back up to my first drama class, when I first learned what improv is. I had no idea what I was doing, but I loved the anticipation of being thrown on stage to make a scene out of one action, or even a noise. I loved creating an entire personality and character in just a couple of seconds with nothing to go on but my imagination. But I always, without knowing it, had a problem with "the gap." I struggled to come up with what would happen next, where I was going, and most importantly, why.

After doing some thinking, I realized that I think too much, whether its in a conversation or on the stage. I know what should happen or what I want to happen, but don't stand up and do it. So how am I going to learn how to have fun with "the gap?" I guess the best answer is practice. It will be uncomfortable, but I'm up for the challenge of overcoming one of my weaknesses to increase my confidence on stage! 


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